Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nero's Italian Restaurant

On the day before I left Perth, Yi Hua and Denise took me to Nero's, an Italian Restaurant located alongside Albany Highway at Gosnells after finding out that I hadn't had my Chilli Mussels and Fish & Chips experience yet.

The setting at Nero's is a simple one, nothing fancy schmanzy like the Nero Vivo or Neroteca in KL, don't misunderstand though, these Neros are not related... though I'm just curious what does Nero means?? Anyway, as you can see from the picture above, the table setting is pretty simple too. There is a sheet of white paper that lines every table for patrons to...

... Draw! Scribble! Write! Color crayons are available. And as you can see, that's Denise's and Yi Hua's scribbles.

One of the things I noticed here is that the restaurants or eateries provide tables with a bottle of iced water and it comes refillable rather than having a waiter/waitress refilling glass by glass, table by table. The bottles are rather pretty too. I quite like the refillable water concept here, I shall do the same if I happen to open my own restaurant in the future!

Chilli Mussels- $11.95 (appetizer) or $18.95 (main)
Local mussels steamed in white wine, cooked in napoletana sauce with a hint of chilli

They say you haven't been to Perth if you have not taste the Chilli Mussels! Luckily I had the opportunity to have 'em before I leave or else I might have been accused of not been to Perth at all! The mussels look pretty big but opened to reveal an average size mussel. The sauce is excellent, alittle spicy and one can really taste the white wine. The mussels are fresh too. An excellent appetizer to open up one's appetite!

Venezia- $11.50 (entree) or $13.50 (main)
Ham, cabanossi, cheese, olives, mushrooms and green peppers

We had a Venezia pizza to share but unfortunately I was too stuffed that there wasn't any space left to fit in a slice of pizza. However, there were unrecorded testimonials from the other two ladies that the pizza was good. We even had leftovers which was subsequently ta pau'ed for Yi Fang and her mom and they too said it was good. So, yeah the pizza should be good.

Rump (350gm)- $22.95
Prime quality rump steak chargrilled to your liking with a choice of pepper or mushroom sauce. Served with golden chips and a side salad.

The affable Denise had the Rump Steak but I think she did a mistake by calling it for medium well. The steak came out... well. It was dry and a little bit stiff. I think steaks should be done medium rare to have that pinkish inside but brown chargrilled outside, like the one I had in Outback Steakhouse.

Fettucine Alla Carbonara- $10.95 (entree) or $13.95 (main)
Creamy bacon and mushroom sauce served with fettucine.

Yi Hua had the carbonara in entree size. The good thing about ordering in Nero's is the flexibility of allowing their patrons to choose whether they want their meals in entree size or main to allow for more variety of food for sharing or if you can't have a huge serving on your own although the price difference is only by about $2 to $3. The carbonara didn't receive a good response from Yi Hua as she said it tasted 'funny'. Hmmmm..... two misses and two hits so far.

Pesce E Patatine Fritte- $19.95
Freshly battered fish, lightly fried. Served with golden chips and a salad.

Don't let this less than English name of this dish fool you. It's actually only fish and chips lah. I'm a huge fan of fish & chips so I MUST HAVE IT after hearing from an ex-supplier that the seafood in Perth is really fresh and good. The Pesce E Patatine Fritte fish & chips came in 2 big pieces and was really fresh. The flesh was easily detachable.


Though we were already very full, there was still room for dessert! Tiramisu was our choice that day. The Tiramisu was quite good, spongy and fluffy with an adequate taste of coffee. Pair it with the whipped cream and it was Buon Apetito!

Look at the amount of food we had to feed 3 girls!

2328 Albany Highway Gosnells,
Perth, Western Australia.
Tel: 08-9398 2011
Business hours: Open 7 days a week, 11.30am till late