Thursday, March 19, 2009

Best Chap Fan Award

New SS15 Subang Jaya market

This is a little deviation from the ongoing Perth posts as I'm too tired (from yawning at work) due to having to wake up early and reaching home late due to the jams at Federal Highway. It seems like I can never get away from being stuck in the jams even after changing jobs. What's worst was yesterday when I made a wrong decision and ended up having to make a huge turnaround only to end up back at office area and endure the whole jam process again! Really frustrating!

If you've been hanging around Subang long enough (ie. was/being a student at the nearby school or colleges, or work nearby) you'll probably know the existance of the Awesome Chap Fan at the market or pasar as we would all call it. It is quite famous and has established itself as the place to go to if you're on a tight budget but not so tight stomach. This chap fan stall has been around for years and has probably fed many of the scholars and graduates around the SS15 area. It used to be under the shabby dodgy atap zinc area near the old market but has been relocated to a better and cleaner new market. Beware though as the regular stray cats are still lingering around...

What I like about the chap fan here is that it looks like a buffet and you can help yourself like you're on a buffet line but you pay nothing like the buffet. Pasar chap fan is known to be cheap but they don't compromise on the taste. The signature item on the buffet line is none other than the Fried Chicken which is a MUST HAVE. It is always fried fresh from the wok, so you know the fried chicken is warm, tender and crispy. You can almost spot everyone's plate having a piece of fried chicken.

Another favourite of mine when it comes to chap fan dining is the braised potatoes in soy sauce. I love anything potatoes and especially that dish as it goes very well with white rice.

After selecting all the dishes you want (dine-in or takeaway), you line up to this mak cik and she'll tell you how much and also ask what drinks you want. This mak cik, folks, is a legend herself. Her classic, legendary, signature lines that you'll always remember after eating here at least once, after ordering your drinks, are,

"Leng Chi Kang satuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...."
"Hoi Tei Yeh satuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...."

If you hear anyone speaking like that from far, it must be unmistakenly her. But other than that, she charges quite arbitrarily but not too expensive.

Sea Coconut Ice/ Hoi Tei Yeh- RM1

Leng Chi Kang- RM1

Though eating in pasar means saving on money, it can become quite a put off when the sun gets very hot. You'll almost be sweating as much as you'll be eating, so sometimes people don't quite like to eat here. But hey, isn't this the Malaysian experience? To 'counter' the heat, have a bowl of refreshing sea coconut or leng chi kang at only RM1 per bowl. These two are quite often the default drinks for most chap fan eaters here.

Chap Fan Sample #1

My friend had the above selection with a drink (can't remember what but it's not the default drinks) and he was charged something between RM4 to RM5 due to the fried fish. Prices have gone up for fish I guess...

Chap Fan Sample #2

Another friend had a simple meal of just a piece of fried chicken and some cabbage with curry gravy and a bowl of sea coconut. He paid RM2.70, which means the plate of rice is only RM1.70.

Chap Fan Sample #3

I had the above selection- braised potatoes, curry potatoes, long beans with brinjals, some pieces of sweet and sour chicken and a piece of fried chicken. I also had a bowl of sea coconut. I paid RM4.50. Quite a steal for the variety of food I had.

I'm just thinking, if chap fan stalls had to do accounting entries and their accounts have to be audited, I think they would fail terribly as there is no proper guidelines to dictate how much should three pieces of potatoes or a scoop of curry gravy or two chunk of meat patty cost. Some chap fan owners are just so horrible!

I really miss having my meals here but it's better now as I can still have chap fan and it's for free at the cafeteria! Heh. The good people from HR is bringing A&W to our cafe tomorrow though, so coney dogs, rootbeer float and curly fries for lunch tomorrow! Awesome!!

SS15 Pasar Chap Fan
Jalan SS15/8A,
47500 Subang Jaya.

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]


  1. I used to frequent this place too when it was still in the old market location. Place might be a lil dirty. But the food sure is good. It's like you can get a mountain full plate of dishes with a drink for less than RM5. What a deal! The fried chicken sure is the best ever. I like ordering my sea coconut with "leong fun".

    One other thing I remember is how the drinks lady put an order for Coca Cola. She'd yell: "Cocoola Satuuu....!!!" Short form for coca cola. LOL.

  2. Thats looks tasty!!! I just ate and I am hungry again... (sooo not fair.. T_T)

  3. the chap fan, or mixed rice looks delicious! not expensive either compared to PJ!

  4. the chap fan, or mixed rice looks delicious! not expensive either compared to PJ!

  5. Calvin,
    Yeah it was best eh!

    Cath J,
    Makan again!


    Big Boys Oven,
    Yeah, cheap by Subang standards and food's pretty good too.

  6. hahah kakak Yiling
    this is the worse I've been ok
    so damn kotor!
    i ate there once and had a bad experience and told myself never to go back there anymore.

  7. Oliver,
    Well you never heard of good food always at kotor places one meh. Hehe, but the new market is not too bad except still quite hot in the afternoon and stupid stray cats! But food's good and cheap, so can't complain!

  8. The cheapest chap fan!! I miss the fried chicken so much.

  9. Lisan,
    The chicken is best right??

  10. seriously? so cheap??

    2.70 for drinks and chap fan? wah

    back in old town area, i'd be very happy with that for 3.50. and tot that's the cheapest it can get..

    wonder wat is the cost price for that man.. lols...would like to try it there someday

  11. Leon,
    I guess it's because they cook in bulk and students are their main customers so they can go low in cost.
