Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Gallery Café, Colombo

Paradise Road Galleries

Paradise Road is listed as one of the must-visit places in Colombo. Not to be mistaken as a road name- in fact it is located on Alfred House Road, Paradise Road is a concept design store - studio - gallery - cafe. For those who appreciate arts and quality dining experience, Paradise Road is the place to spend a lovely afternoon.

I'll let pictures do justice.

Champagne Risotto with Broccoli and Mushrooms- Rs.895 (RM25)

Tomato gazpacho- Rs. 495 (RM14); Pan fried pork chops- Rs. 985 (RM27)

Lemon meringue pie- Rs. 575 (RM16); Cinnamon ice cream- Rs. 625 (RM17)

* Prices are exclusive of 10% service charge and 13% VAT

The Gallery Cafe
2, Alfred House Road,
Colombo 3,
Sri Lanka.
Tel: +942582162

[Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. Please don't sue me, I don't have money. Kthxbye.]


  1. I especially like the paintings on the wall. Cheerios x)

  2. nice place.. i think this is one of the location that Louise Pang make a photo shoot that won him the awards~

  3. wah this place looks very nice leh. bring me next time!

  4. Cath J,
    Yeps, it's a nice place!!

    I think they have different featured artists but this time is by a guy called Sampath and all his paintings has 'eyes'...

    Really??! I didn't know that... but I guess it does make quite a nice setting for pictures.

    Yes, I'll bring u here if you come!
