Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hennessy Artistry @ Orange Club, KL

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Kelab Oren

Last Saturday, all the KL-ites clubbers were either clubbing at Orange Club KL or Euphoria Sunway. If you didn't know, it was the 5th installment of Hennessy Artistry at Orange Club and Hed Kandi at Euphoria. Fyi, Hed Kandi has a club at Clark Quay, Sg.

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2 pinks and a black, because pink is the new black :D

It was my 3rd time to a Hennessy Artistry event, my first was at Aloha KL, and it was pretty much 'the beginning' to more. My second Artistry was at Bukit Kiara and it was teh bomb! I think the Bkt Kiara event was the best free flow party of the year.

Honestly, I've never heard of Orange Club, neither did many people. Lucky for me that Eiling is better with the KL roads, I only sponsored car, petrol and toll. Not cheap ok for a round trip to KL but *thinks of free flow...* Orange Club is situated behind Borneo Baruk Club, along Jalan Kia Peng.

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Meet my escorts, Ash & Joshan

I went with Ash & Joshan, both from college. Param joined us later on with a VIP ticket! Tsk tsk tsk. There was already a long queue for registration but it moved pretty quick as the registration was as easy as mentioning your name or mobile number (for those RSVP online). The club inside was already packed with people by the time we squeezed in but we were lucky to secure a good spot just beside the stage.

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DJ Tom Price & DJ Shane spinnin'

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DJ Tom Price- so kiut!

DJ Tom Price was spinning while waiting for the crowd and international acts to start. Pam Chong (Vince Chong's sis? of Amazing Race Asia fame?) came onto the stage and did a little ice breaking for the night and introduce the first act of the night- Until June.

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Until June, July, August...

Sue me but I have never heard of this band before... They played some emo songs with the vocalist on the piano, another on guitar and another on drums. Perhaps Artistry 5 should be abit emo. The band played a few songs, not that I know any anyway.

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The DEY rockin' the house down

Pardon me for my ignorance as I didn't know who The DEY was before they sang their hit song, "There's Nothin'" originally sang alongside Sean Kingston and Juelz Santana. So after that night, Eiling kept replaying that song everyday for 1289312719 times -____-

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Shayne "Breathless" Ward

The final and biggest act came onto stage shortly after The DEY exited, belting out a few songs. Cameras were snapping away and like I said lucky us that we got a spot near the stage, hence this perfect close up picture :D He sang "Apologize" but didn't sing "Breathless" which left us very much disappointed as we were anticipating for that hit song. Maybe too emo gua?

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KYclubs with EZYclubstoo

The whole performance ended at about 12.30am and the scene was took over by DJ Shane spinnin' some techno/trance/dunno what. We clubbed like there's no tommorow but had to keep a tab on the free flow drinking part as I was assigned to getting us back home in one piece. Right after Shayne Ward's show, the bar seemed vacant with many people exiting and to keep things easy and drinks flowing freely, there were waiters going around with a jug of Hennesy to refill your glasses while you stay on the dancefloor dancing away...

The night ended on a high note with more pictures! T'was an awesome night with some of my closest friends, loud music, booze and a bodyache the next morning...

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with our new found friend. what's his name? dunno.

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You've seen The DEY, we are The 'WEs'

And finally... your Residence DJ for the night! (Don't you wish you have such cool job?)

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tipu punya! :-p

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meaty House @ USJ


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Param's so hottttt he melted the cake! :p

It was Param's birthday last Monday. This September month is full of birthdays, one day after another! It was a very last minute plan to surprise Param and no prize for guessing who was put in charged of finding a place to wine&dine ;)

After some considerations, I suggested Meaty House at USJ Taipan since it's nearby Subang.

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Pork chop

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Sausages and pork belly

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German Ham steak

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Lamb chop with mint sauce

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German Pork Knuckle- RM29.80

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Pork ribs

The German Pork Knuckle is inarguably the most famous item in the menu as many who have been there are all praises for its affordability and value-for-money. At only RM29.80 (that's not even RM30, physcological pricing), a big chunck of pork knuckle sits atop your dinner plate with some fries as side. It is all meaty, fatty and crispy... sinfully artery clogging.

While the sausages and pork ribs taste equally good, the presentation of meals speaks eitherwise. It feels like my mom's been in the kitchen doing all the cooking. It doesn't taste bad, only that it has a very homely feel to the meals, especially the fries which looked like they have come straight from the deep fryer we have at home.

It was a very quiet Monday night as we were the only customers throughout the night. The owner is very accomodating and eccentric at some points (he remembers dishes in the menu by the number not the name!). We ended the night with a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake and 2 bottles of wine (one red, one white) for our alcoholic friend who has just turned 23 :-p

Happy Birthday!

Meaty House
37, Jalan USJ 10/1D,
Taipan Triangle,
Subang UEP, Selangor.
Tel: 03-56335634

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]

Friday, September 26, 2008

Eating at EDEN

Eden Restaurants, as I remember, have been around for agesssss. But believe it or not, last Wednesday's dinner marked my first visit to this (pretty) well-known restaurant. Vic Kie is back from UK for good and was down in Subang for job interviews and so we decided to meet up along with Kai Yang and Ziling. We headed to the Subang Parade branch as Subang seems to be the mid/(meeting) point of everywhere!

I have read many reviews about Eden and I can tell you 9 out of 10 gave it a bad review. But I supposed since it's my first, I should give the benefit of the doubt.

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Executive Set Meal Menu- RM34.90+ per person

After flipping through the menu, I decided to settle on the Executive Set Meal (RM34.90+) as other ala carte mains cost more or less the same. I chose the French Onion Soup as starter, BLT Steak on Olio Pasta as mains, Tiramisu as dessert and a cup of Tea to wash it all down.

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French Onion Soup

Firstly, the French Onion Soup came as a huge disappointment. You don't even have to taste it, one look at the colour will tell you it is diluted and tasteless. Perhaps they should learn from Gaucho Grill, look at the texture and color differences! Tsk tsk tsk.

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BLT Steak on Olio Pasta
a juicy piece of tenderloin steak sits atop a bed of olio pasta, sauteed and flavored to perfection

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So juicy... I like ;)

The mains, BLT Steak on Olio Pasta came very appealing in terms of presentation. The BLT (Bacon Lettuce Tomato) was something extra and pretty special I would say although there's nothing to shout about, I mean how wrong can a bacon, lettuce and tomato combination get?? The tenderloin steak, which I requested to be done medium was the saving grace of the whole meal! It was so tender, so juicy, melts in your mouth and just so addictive. I would have been happier if they told me they ran out of pasta and BLT and instead gave me a bigger portion of the steak. Hehe.

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Things went downhill again after the steak. The tiramisu came in a cup not bigger than your chinese tea cup. Expecting for some tiramisu taste, all I got was a cup of creamy cheese with no more than 5% of tiramisu taste. The best tiramisu so far is still from Bermuda & Onion. And to make the whole dinner worst, even the tea is diluted!

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Wild Mushroom Soup

Ziling had a wild mushroom soup and believe it or not, the soup was served cold! What was the kitchen thinking, I wonder...

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Braised Hong Kong "EE FOO" Noodles with Seafood Combo- RM16.50

Her Braised HK Ee Foo Noodles with seafood combo didn't fare any better. Ee Foo noodles look and taste something like a mixed breed between longevity and wan tan noodles. The only 'seafood combo' is fish and prawns. The verdict? Your neighbourhood tai chow can do much much better at a much much lower price. Definitely a MISS.

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Cantonese style Hong Kong "EE FOO" Noodles with beef tenderloin strips- RM13.50

Vic Kie had the Cantonese style HK Ee Foo Noddles with Beef Tenderloin Strips and it was so much better than the braised seafood version (cheaper too). There were quite a few beef strips and taste abit like char kuey teow (only it's with beef and not kuey teow). Not too bad but I don't quite like Ee Foo noodles :/

I forgotten to snap a picture of Kai Yang's Grilled Norwegian Salmon with Béarnaise Sauce (RM29.50).

Overall, there are more misses than hits. I would not suggest this place if you want to go for a tasty meal. The ambience however is pretty nice for a get-together meal as there's not much people, hence the space and silence to indulge in some gossip sessions.

Thanks Kai Yang for the dinner!

Eden Restaurant
Lot 31 & G29 Subang Parade,
No.5, Jalan SS 16/1,
47500 Subang Jaya.
Tel: 03-56377781

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]

Monday, September 22, 2008

WIP Cafe @ Bangsar Shopping Center

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Work. In. Progress.

WIP is a food joint that is gaining popularity among fellow Bangsar'ians and attracting non-Bangsar'ians to this part of the world where everything is imported, pricey and 'atasan class'. I was there a week ago with 3 other friends from college (Param, Joshan and Ashvin) to catch "Malaysia masa Kini" at Actors Studio, BSC. Will do a review on the play sometime later...

Normally before suggesting any place for meals, I will try to read up on the eatery first. I read that WIP is the brainchild of famous Soul'ed Out husband-wife team Fred and Michelle. Gosh, sometimes reading and seeing all these people opening one successful cafe/restaurant after another makes me feel like embarking on this gastronomic business too! Only that I have no capital/skills/network yet. So I shall go around eating and stealing people's ideas, HAHA.

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Lychee martini- RM25

As always, it is great to start off the night/meal with a mild alcoholic drink. Friends who know us, no prize for guessing whose glass this belongs to... (Hint: Mr P)


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Salmon steak and wild rocket salad- RM36
Norwegian salmon steak grilled to perfection and served with au gratin and fresh tomato salsa

Param also had the Salmon steak and wild rocket salad. Hey, speaking of which, I didn't have a taste of your dish Param! So if you have anything good/bad to say about the dish, do drop a comment and let us know aights! Presentation wise, I don't think there's any complains. Plus, what can ever go wrong with salmon? It's good regardless of pan fried, seared, smoked, sashimi'ed etc.

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Chicken Makanwala- RM25
Boneless chicken tenderly cooked in a tangy butter sauce recipe. With vegetable masala, raitha, papadum and salad with mango dressing.

I had the Chicken Makanwala which comes highly recommended by many reviews I read. A fan of this Indian dish, butter chicken, the Makanwala didn't disappoint. In fact, I would have happily licked the golden bowl clean if not for the big portions. The chicken cubes are tender and perfect pair with the addictive butter gravy. The naans came perfectly done, crispy, fluffy and fresh. Definitely one of my favourite North Indian cuisine.

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Northern Indian B.P. chicken- RM26
Northern Indian marinated boneless chicken cooked to perfection. Served with masala vegetables, dhal and chapatti.

We learnt a new acronym that night. I learnt from my previous visit to Jarrods & Rawlins that BLT stands for Bacon Lettuce Tomato, wonder what BP stands for? No, it's not Black (eyed) Peas, nor is it Batu Pahat. Buy you 1 ayam percik if you can guess! :-p

Ashvin had the Northern Indian B.P. chicken. I suppose even from the picture you can tell the chicken had a burst of indian flavour with the herbs and spices and the 'BP' ;-)

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Lamb kebab on hot plate- RM29
Marinated lamb meat cooked on a sizzling hot plate over slow fire, with fresh asparagus on the side

What's really funny about this place (and that of Soul'ed Out) is it has a totally western name, western style deco and setting, but serves really awesome Indian food! This Lamb kebab on hot plate was ordered by Joshan, and it certainly made quite an entrance to the table due to the sizzlingzzzz of the hot plate. A few generious slabs of grilled lamb were served on a banana leaf with another plate of naan to lick the lamb gravy clean. Yum yum.

Just like its brother/sister cafe, Soul'ed Out, WIP Cafe also functions as a bar with cocktails, mocktails, wine and other liqueur and an array of other Western and Asian cuisine (such as the Sang Har Mein). It has a very nice ambience with funny costumes worn by the waiters which includes bright yellow tee and brown overall and complete with a light headgear (yes, we asked if it functions and the waitress happily obliged to show us the light). Another worthy visit would be the washroom as you'll need to know the password to enter!

Maybe somewhere hidden in the loo is a treasure box...

WIP Cafe
Lot G 111, Ground floor,
Bangsar Shopping Center,
285, Jalan Maarof,
59000 KL.
Tel: 03-20942789

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chicken & prawn kuey teow @ Ipoh

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Chicken & prawn Ipoh kueh tiow

This is one of the very backdated post. This Ipoh makan trip was 3 months back! Hehe, didn't I told you guys before that laziness and procrastinating is my forte?

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Busy whipping up yummylicious noodles!

Located at the corner of Jalan Mustapha Al-Bakri @ Ipoh is a kopitiam which has been around for ages... Can be very busy and packed with people at all times! I suppose this is nothing uncommon when you're in a food haven like good ol' Ipoh town. Anyway, right at the corner of this busy kopitiam is a stall which sells chicken & prawn kuey teow. We have been patronizing this shop ever since my sister, Eiling learns her Gu-zheng. What has kuey teow and Gu-zheng have in common, I hear you ask?

Well, the 'chef' in white above was Eiling's Gu-zheng teacher! Haha, didn't know a hawker can be a master in such fine art as Gu-zheng, did you? We have been loyal and regular customers of his noodles too.

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Soda gembira

Hehe nola, it's not called soda gembira... it's one of the 'specialty' drink at this kopitiam, some rose syrup with 7up topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I remember my sisters and I used to pester our mom for this drink when we were younger but after growing up, we'll stick to the good ol' refreshing sugarcane. But the color looks pretty, doesn't it?

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Ze prawns, ze chicken, ze noodles and ze chives

I have tried many chicken & prawn noodles but nothing comes close to this one. It is inarguably the best and our favourite too. And I absolutely love the orangy prawn oil... the ones I have had all come in pale orangy color and the chives, you can barely count with your fingers. This one comes loaded with chives (I used to dislike this green but some things change when you grow up!). Soup's so good that we always gulp till the last drop!

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Prices- Small at RM3.80, Big at RM4.50

Honestly speaking, there's no cheap food in Ipoh anymore. It used to be around RM2.80 per bowl before this little town caught up with the rising costs and inflation. Nevertheless, I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for something good.

And just something extra,

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Porky noodles

My favorite pork noodles of all time. I wrote a review on this before, so click here. At the background is my favoritest drink of all time- gingko barley! Satisfaction to the core!

Chicken & prawn kuey teow
Jalan Mustapha Al-Bakri,
30300 Ipoh.

(I can't recall the name of the kopitiam, but it is located opposite the famous salted chicken shop, Aun Kheng Lim and Kamdar textile shop)

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jalan-jalan Cari Bazaar Ramadhan @ Kelana Jaya

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The crowd weaving through to get their well-deserved meals

Perhaps the only way to drown all the past week sadness is by food. If laughter is the best medicine, in my point of view, food comes second close or maybe even second to none. And what better way to indulge than to have a walk at one of the many mushrooming ramadhan bazaars in town! Smell, sight and sound.

After some 'researching', I suggested to head on to the bazaar in Kelana Jaya as it is on the way from after work. So, here are some pictures for you guys living abroad who can't be here for the ramadhan bazaars!

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Ayam golek, a local version of kenny roger's on rotisserie!

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The murtabak man

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Satay, satay, satay galore!

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Ayam percik, a local favourite

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Satar Awie, a Malay delicacy- fish wrapped in banana leaf on skewers

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Goreng ini, goreng itu

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Soup from the North- Sup Utara

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Grilled fish or more fondly known as ikan bakar

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Very carrerful drinks, becareful about the coloring though ;-)

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Fried noodles on kawah wok

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Uniformed fried chicken rice

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Onde-onde, everyone's favourite kuih!

The bazaar starts to close at about 7pm to make way for the traders to berbuka puasa. The Kelana Jaya bazaar occupies one whole stretch of road and is pretty extensive in food choices although you will find a number of stalls duplicating the usual suspects such as roti john, murtabak, nasi campur, and kuih-muihs.

* Oh, an extra tip: Nearing the closing time, prices will be slashed. We were particularly lucky to get 3 ayam perciks for only RM5.

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Selamat berbuka puasa!
from us who did not fast but still managed to buka puasa together anyway- kenneth, me, ashvin, param and joshan :)

Kelana Jaya Ramadhan Bazaar
@ Jalan SS6/1
(Coming from LDP towards Sunway, turn in the junction after Yamaha and Customs building. Go straight till past first traffic light. The immediate turning on the left after the traffic light will lead you to the bazaar)
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