Believe me when I tell you I don't have any exercise regime to stay fit and healthy. For the past 21 years, the only forms of exercise I had was a little netball in school and college and walking from Point A to Point B for classes, climbing some stairs, walking to my car park...... and that's about it.
Until about 2 weeks back, I realized that my tummy is beginning to show an unsightly bulge. Oh the horror!! Who can I blame since I've been eating quite generously from the pizzas I had in Perth to the street food in Bangkok and not forgetting the wholesome meals at work (2 days of chicken chops in a row!), and then just recently 3 days of buffet lunch at PJ Hilton for some workshop (I'm telling you, my company really feeds us employees well!).
I'm a stingy when it comes to spending money to keep fit. I've never thought of even joining the GYM craze for obvious reasons- 1) Membership fee every month! 2) I'm lazy 3) Repeat #1 & #2
My favourite in-denial excuse would be... I am not that fat what. But reality is, being thin doesn't mean being healthy. That's what I always tell people when they come up to me and say, "You so thin! So nice!"
Yeah, "I so thin" but it's dangerous cos I won't know if I am diabetic or high cholestrol or high blood pressure etc. It's nice to be able to eat and eat and eat but still stay slim but it's not nice when the health issues kick in. Lucky for me, I'm still slim and healthy but that doesn't equate to being fit.
p/s: I have very low stamina.
I know I'm abit late when it comes to disciplining myself to exercise weekly but hey at least I'm trying to do so and considering that this wasn't even in my new year's resolutions, I'm giving myself a big pat on the back for the initiative! Heh.
I bought a pair of Nike Free 3.0 (Women) @ RM349 meant for running. It's designed to be light weighted, as though you're wearing nothing at all. I'm liking it so far for the simple design and striking colors but most importantly the comfort. I have never owned any Nikes before, the ones I had were normally hand-me-down by my sister or what I call "sharing is caring" hehe.
My Work/Life Balance regime will consist of 20 sit-ups daily and about an hour of weekend jogging by the lovely park in my neighbourhood. I'm looking forward and determined to improve my stamina and reduce the unsightly tummy in 6 months time.
But lest you worry, food posts will not diminish!
This is a community message by Live to Eat or Eat to Live and not a Nike endorsement post. TQ.