Friday, September 26, 2008

Eating at EDEN

Eden Restaurants, as I remember, have been around for agesssss. But believe it or not, last Wednesday's dinner marked my first visit to this (pretty) well-known restaurant. Vic Kie is back from UK for good and was down in Subang for job interviews and so we decided to meet up along with Kai Yang and Ziling. We headed to the Subang Parade branch as Subang seems to be the mid/(meeting) point of everywhere!

I have read many reviews about Eden and I can tell you 9 out of 10 gave it a bad review. But I supposed since it's my first, I should give the benefit of the doubt.

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Executive Set Meal Menu- RM34.90+ per person

After flipping through the menu, I decided to settle on the Executive Set Meal (RM34.90+) as other ala carte mains cost more or less the same. I chose the French Onion Soup as starter, BLT Steak on Olio Pasta as mains, Tiramisu as dessert and a cup of Tea to wash it all down.

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French Onion Soup

Firstly, the French Onion Soup came as a huge disappointment. You don't even have to taste it, one look at the colour will tell you it is diluted and tasteless. Perhaps they should learn from Gaucho Grill, look at the texture and color differences! Tsk tsk tsk.

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BLT Steak on Olio Pasta
a juicy piece of tenderloin steak sits atop a bed of olio pasta, sauteed and flavored to perfection

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So juicy... I like ;)

The mains, BLT Steak on Olio Pasta came very appealing in terms of presentation. The BLT (Bacon Lettuce Tomato) was something extra and pretty special I would say although there's nothing to shout about, I mean how wrong can a bacon, lettuce and tomato combination get?? The tenderloin steak, which I requested to be done medium was the saving grace of the whole meal! It was so tender, so juicy, melts in your mouth and just so addictive. I would have been happier if they told me they ran out of pasta and BLT and instead gave me a bigger portion of the steak. Hehe.

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Things went downhill again after the steak. The tiramisu came in a cup not bigger than your chinese tea cup. Expecting for some tiramisu taste, all I got was a cup of creamy cheese with no more than 5% of tiramisu taste. The best tiramisu so far is still from Bermuda & Onion. And to make the whole dinner worst, even the tea is diluted!

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Wild Mushroom Soup

Ziling had a wild mushroom soup and believe it or not, the soup was served cold! What was the kitchen thinking, I wonder...

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Braised Hong Kong "EE FOO" Noodles with Seafood Combo- RM16.50

Her Braised HK Ee Foo Noodles with seafood combo didn't fare any better. Ee Foo noodles look and taste something like a mixed breed between longevity and wan tan noodles. The only 'seafood combo' is fish and prawns. The verdict? Your neighbourhood tai chow can do much much better at a much much lower price. Definitely a MISS.

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Cantonese style Hong Kong "EE FOO" Noodles with beef tenderloin strips- RM13.50

Vic Kie had the Cantonese style HK Ee Foo Noddles with Beef Tenderloin Strips and it was so much better than the braised seafood version (cheaper too). There were quite a few beef strips and taste abit like char kuey teow (only it's with beef and not kuey teow). Not too bad but I don't quite like Ee Foo noodles :/

I forgotten to snap a picture of Kai Yang's Grilled Norwegian Salmon with Béarnaise Sauce (RM29.50).

Overall, there are more misses than hits. I would not suggest this place if you want to go for a tasty meal. The ambience however is pretty nice for a get-together meal as there's not much people, hence the space and silence to indulge in some gossip sessions.

Thanks Kai Yang for the dinner!

Eden Restaurant
Lot 31 & G29 Subang Parade,
No.5, Jalan SS 16/1,
47500 Subang Jaya.
Tel: 03-56377781

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]

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