As good as it looks...?
This recipe is fresh from the wok!
I took leave today to enquire about the new ACCA course in INTI. There IS a possibility I might go back to studying..... part time. We'll see how it goes (ie. paper exemptions, cost and timing). Another thing that bugged me today is finding out that a dear lecturer who was my Head of Program is quitting the college and relocating to India due to some family problems. I am pretty saddened by the news as 1) He is a very nice and friendly person and has been very helpful throughout my 4 yrs duration in college, and 2) Every single person I know is quitting the college, there's no more reason to go back!
Cut the long story short, I took leave and I cooked dinner.
Anyway, I digressed.
4 Salted eggs (yolk only)
150 gms Squid (calamari)
2 Tablespoons Sliced Onion
2 Garlic cloves
1 Tablespoon Shrimp Oil
2 Tablespoons Oil
1/4 Teaspoon Black Pepper
2 Tablespoons Fish Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
Curry Leaves
Chilli Padi
1. Clean and chop the squid into bite sized pieces.
2. Heat some water until boiling and briefly blanch the squid. Remove and drain.
3. Put oil into a frying pan, over a medium heat. When the oil is hot, take just the yolk of the salty eggs and fry until half cooked, break up the egg yolkd as you cook them, just like scrambled eggs.
4. Add the squid to the pan and fry it for a few seconds more until cooked. Remove from the pan and place on a serving dish, keep the pan ready to reuse to make the sauce.
5. Chop the garlic and put into the pan, fry for a few seconds to release the smell.
6. Add the fish sauce, sugar, shrimp oil, sliced onion, black pepper, curry leaves and chilli padi and fried for 1 minute.
7. Pour this sauce over the calamari and egg mix before serving.
Most definitely!
I had initially wanted to cook something similar to the salted egg squid I had in King Crab (partially due to the last post which contains salted egg squid at Ah Lim Seafood as well). I couldn't find any recipes on that and decided to settle on this recipe from Apron's Thai Food. It didn't quite disappoint and I must say it was quite yummy hehehe.
Preparation and cooking is easy peasy too. If I can cook, so can you!