Dine like a sir
I had the opportunity to dine at Ante, courtesy of my sis who decided to buy me dinner for my birthday last month. Ante is run by a few 20-somethings young men who are good friends and decided to start something together (makes things easier when at least one's a chef) and two of them are coincidentally my sis's friends. I wish I have friends who want to start a Bed & Breakfast with me, until then it becomes a lifelong dream :(
Who and what inspires the name? I managed to have a quick chat with one of the partners, and questioned him the same. He told me that ANTE refers to 'a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot'. I hope you'll be able to figure out by now what Ante means to these young 20-somethings, cos I think it's a great and meaningful name.
Chunky mushroom soup - RM12
Caramelized garlic olio (there's bacon in it too!) - RM23
Char-grilled pork steak - RM40+
For those who's never dined with me, my first choice of soup will always be the mushroom soup if it's on the menu. My first impression towards any eateries will be the first spoonful of mushroom soup that I taste. It's not easy to make a good bowl of mushroom soup that isn't too creamy and bursting with shroom flavours. In essence, a good bowl of mushroom soup can warm the cockles of my heart. Ante's version though not the best (since I found the best at Milk and Butter), it passes the acid test.
The mains that we had was a garlic olio, though I think they should rename it with the word 'bacon' in it to attract orders. Nicely done and portion is just right too. I had the honor to order one of the most expensive dish within the mains. There was an option to choose the type of pork slab... and I was given the green light to pig out (expensively), so bring on the expensive pork! Served with a side of baked apple, mash and greens with glorious berry cream sauce. The pork steak was 1/4 fat, 3/4 meat. and honestly a heavy porky dish for me to handle - hence, I'll recommend sharing this. I like the baked apple though!
Be sure to check out Ante when you're in Publika - maybe spotting a mustache like a sirrrr could score you a free beer! (heh)
Ante Kitchen & Bar
Publika, Solaris Dutamas,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-62063364
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ante.kl?group_id=0
* Visuals by iPhone 4
[Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. Please don't sue me, I don't have money. Kthxbye.]