The thing with working for a company that has dealings with liquor is the awesome invitations to dinners and functions with guaranteed goodies and free flow liquor. Sounds like a dreamjob, yes, no? Being a Buyer for the liquor category certainly has its perks ;)
I regretted not bringing my camera along the previous CNY Lunch organized by Bacardi Martini, which was quite interesting, both the dishes and the people. So I told myself I need to bring my camera this time around! After all, these are blogging materials what.
This year's dinner was held at Ming Cuisine, Section 19 PJ. It is a relatively new place that houses a chinese restaurant and nightclub... hmmm. Anyway, we were greeted by a lion dance at the entrance. Kinda 'extravagant' since it's after CNY and there's a lion dance!
Another reason why I said it's 'extravagant'. Look at the number of tables! From my guess, there should be at least 30 tables. Pernod Ricard literally booked the whole restaurant for the night's dinner. I told Iryna, my boss,"This looks like a wedding dinner!" True enough, it does seem like one with all the "Yammmmmmmmm SENGs!" and the VIPs hopping from table to table to shake hands and cheers. The only missing element is the karaoke session, haha!
Oh, yes. Before I forget about the big roasted pig at the restaurant entrance. The 'butcher' was chopping up plates after plates of delicious looking roasted pork belly for every table. Quite a pity that I didn't get to try it as this plate was taken from the VIP's table and I am not seated there :( When I went over to settle down at my own table, the whole plate is polished off already. Must be some really good roasted pork belly, eh.
Did I mention it was free flow of Chivas 12Yrs, Martell Cordon Bleu and some red wine and bubbly?
The dinner finally started and the obligatory Yee Sang was served. What makes this Yee Sang more special besides having one after CNY is the additional soft shell crab on top of the obligatory salmon slices. Oh and btw, the salmon slices were in thick cuts too. You know it's good when I have second servings! Ok, I had second servings.
Lou, lou, lou! Not low, low, low ok? Lou to good health! Lou to good wealth! Lou to wishes coming true! Lou to better economy, steady jobs, promotions, strike lottery, boss good mood, etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Instead of the usual sharks fin soup, we were each treated to a mini pot of Fatt Tiu Cheong, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall instead. Quite a lovely surprise I'll say. What's even better was when the 'uncle' seated next to me started adding 2 spoonfuls of Martell CB to everyone's pot claiming it tastes better that way! I was bit skeptical at first, not knowing if alcohol being added to hot soup will result to explosion or will speed the drunken process but ok it does tastes better :/
And then the fish, vegetarian dish and prawns came...
Followed by the must have CNY dish, glutinous rice with waxed meat...
And desserts! No, the free flow liquor isn't considered a dessert.
I love the desserts! It has been such a long time I had fried yam with nian gao!! And remember about my blog post on CNY Set Meals where I complained that restaurants don't serve memorable desserts anymore? Well thank god PR had Tong Yuen as the dessert. It was so good and comforting.
PR was very generous with the flow of liquor, I even saw people carrying cases of liquor to the makeshift bar as supplies were running low. And what's better is this miniature bottles of Martell CB and Chivas 12Yrs. They have the normal sized ones as well but we were more fascinated with the mini versions. I took 2 empty Martell CB and half a bottle of Chivas 12Yrs and subsequently gave a bottle of CB and Chivas to my boss as she loves Chivas. The way to buy (my) boss's heart is through whisky, yes Iryna? *wink wink*
Now you see a full bottle...
And now you don't!
Seriously, nolah it was my token of appreciation to her for bringing me to the dinner. Really wan!
The picture above has got to be my favourite shot of the night. Hardcore pimping for Martell not intended!
Last but not least, pictures with people!
Pernod Ricard's Managing Director, CK Tan a.k.a. Ze Big Boss addressing the crowd before chowing down!
Some of the powerful men and women in the industry. Not too sure about the guy in blue but the other guy next to him is Ze Owner of your favourite clubbing joints- Passion, Poppy and Rum Jungle. Should have asked for a No-Cover-Charge card from him haha. The lady next to him is his wife of course. My lady boss, Iryna hereafter known as Ze Boss is the one in red cheongsam.
Ze Boss seen here with Pernod Ricard's Ze Big Boss's wife.
Ze Boss with the guy with Iphone and cool cigarette case. Sorry mate, donch know your name!
And lastly, my own picture taken with my camera. Seen here with some of the Table 7 members and my supplier, Maria.
Thanks for the dinner Pernod Ricard, Maria for the invitation and Iryna for bringing me there, if you're reading this ;) I certainly had fun!
And this is PR's style of giving the Ang Pao. Either you strike alot or you got nothing in the end. I find this ang pao idea pretty ingenius. To married people, no you cannot do that next year, I still want my ang pao to be in cold hard cash tqverymuch.
Oh yeah the draw is on Sunday, tomorrow. Lookout for the winning numbers for me!
Happy Valentine's Day, peeps!