I didn't give this much thought but it just struck me that all the famous eateries in Perth starts with a 'C'- Cicerello's (Fish & Chips), Conca's (Chilli Mussels), Cold Rock (Yummy Ice Cream), and Corica (Apple Strudels). Is this a Coincidence or what?
Anyway, I met Ee Juen, my high school friend who was also my first sitting partner when I moved to Subang Jaya school, and Wai Onn, her Australian born Chinese bf during my short stint in Perth. It wasn't coincidental, but rather a planned affair. We didn't get to hang out much as EJ had to leave for work after meeting up with me, but EJ being herself, ever so hospitable and nice got Wai Onn to bring me around shopping around Harbourtown and even drove me to Corica to get the superawesomefamous Apple Strudels!
Corica's Apple Strudels is really famous in Perth. It garners the same responses and effects when you mention the name Cicerello's or Conca's or Cold Rock. It's not surprising why.
Look at the picture above.
What do you see? What do you feel? Do you want to eat it? Are you salivating already?
The pastry is crispy, light and fluffy. It is lightly glazed and has two layers of cream and custard. There are also slices of caramelized apples in the filling of the custard and cream. The sweetness level is just right, not too sweet and not too bland either. It is most perfect for tea time or after-meal desserts.
Priced at $15.50 if you pre-order and $17.50 if you're a walk-in customer. It's worth every dollar spent, even after all the conversion cos it's just too good to be true! When I was boarding the plane home, I saw a lady with a huge box bearing the Corica's name! She had ta pau'ed what I think to be at least 4 loaves back to Malaysia! The best part is, Corica has even customized the box so that customers or tourists can bring a piece of Corica's back to their homecountry to share without breaking the apple strudels into pieces.
Corica also has an outlet in South East Asia but sadly it's not in Malaysia. It's at Jakarta :( Someone fly to Jakarta and get me a loaf of Corica Apple Strudels pleaseeeeee!
106 Aberdeen Street,
Perth, Western Australia 6000.
Tel: +61 89 328 8196
Business hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am -5.30pm, Sat 8.00am-12.30pm