raindrops and rainbows, these are a few of my favorite things!
I spotted a rainbow while driving along the LDP highway from work on Monday. I managed to take a picture of it (great driving & multi-tasking skillz I have!) and left it in my phone to be forgotten until I saw Suanie's post a few days back and got reminded of it again. Found an excuse to blog about it since the weather has been really crazy these days! I think the chances of seeing a real rainbow is as good as finding a pot of gold at the end of it. In my lifetime, I have probably never seen it more than my 10 fingers, or maybe I have but the point is... OMG. RAINBOW. HAPPY. HAPPY. JOY. JOY.
That btw, totally made my day and the ridiculous daily LDP jam worth it ;D
Look ma, there's a hole in the sky! Is that heaven?
This morning as usual I was turning into the Ara Damansara-Kelana Jaya connecting FAS tunnel and I spotted this unusual sighting of the moon. It is the moon right?? So round and just like a bright flawless round spot in the sky. Very unusual of me to be doing this but I decided to park my car aside to take a picture and share with you guys. Really unusual sightings. The clouds were slightly darker than usual and that only tells us one thing: It's gonna rain. And it did.
Traffic jam raspberry jam strawberry jam
And with rain came the jam. Very best friends one, inseparable. Yesterday it was raining so terribly heavy that while I was driving back from work at about 6.30pm, the sky looked like 8pm. When I reached Kesas at 7+pm it looked like it was 10pm. The world's biological clock is screwed up too!
My weekday 9-6pm crib
And finally, just to show you guys my invisible cubicle. The couch infront is always tempting me to sleep on it. I slept on it once after lunch, hehe. The super thick file, that's just for show, I only used it for about 2 hrs today. Sitting beside me is my colleague who is also a buyer and both of us are secluded from the rest of the accounts side, but near enough to hear them gossip. Sitting in the opposite room (the closed brown door) is my lady boss who can only see us both from her room. Good or bad thing? Well I am ok with it since she is not a boss from hell. On the chair, you can spot a pink thingy which is actually a furry pillow my sis gave to me. It sheds alot of pink fur. The blazer is just for show as well cos noone wears any in the office so I don't dare too unless I am freezing my head off. Or I just switch the air cond off lo.
Tomorrow I have to work in KLIA. But tomorrow night I will be partayyyyying at Avenue K for Club Quatrro's launch! Pls pls pls pls let me be allowed to go home at 6pm.
rainbows are pretty. : )
i'm gonna have one of those cubicles very soon :D
Yea :D congrats!
Those photos are pretty awesome - especially of the strawberry jam, hehe. That was my first thought when I saw the colour of the car's red lights - they seem rather pink!
Haha, never crossed my mind until you mention it!
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