If there is anything to describe Kota Kinabalu, it is the beautiful skies in the evening.
Somewhere out there is the famous Mt. Kinabalu...
When I first arrived in KK, which was also my maiden trip to the East Coast, I was surprised at how early the sun rises and how early the sun sets as well. If the normal timing for the sun to rise in the West is (about) 7.30am, in the East, 6am looks exactly like 7.30am. And in the evenings, 6pm looks like it's 8pm. I remember very well that I got a timing shock and thought either the sky was acting funnily or my watch has gone bonkers.
Shots of these beautiful skies were captured one fine evening when I was working in the airport and I didn't really notice that the sun was already setting when Angie called me over and said I should take some pictures as it was very beautiful.
I couldn't quite believe my eyes when I saw the skies from the waiting lounge. The above pictures are in its original colors with a little bit adjustment on the exposure. I have never quite seen a sky in that color! And the plane, the hangar and the runway makes the whole picture oh so apt.
If there's anything I miss about Kota Kinabalu, it would certainly be the clouds and the skies. And perhaps the airport. There is just something that charms me to loving the airports. Perhaps the rush, the mixed emotions of people in the airport, the smiles on people's faces at the arrival hall and the sad farewells at the departure lounge, the dutyfree shopping, people pulling their luggages and trolleys, the uniformed immigration officers, the aeroplanes, flight attendants strutting down the walkway, pilots and their first officers swaggering down the hall, excited tourists... the list is endless.
There is just too much to observe in the airport.
I can be sitting in the holding lounge for hours just looking at aeroplanes landing in and flying out.
While I can't tell when I'll be back to this land of beautiful skies, but one thing's for sure...
I will definitely miss it.
Absolutely stunning photos of the skies. Amazing colors, and I like the photo of the information display, you manage to freeze the motion of one person while the others were moving.
Well done Yiling!
You never know what lies ahead of you... You could travel even farther...
Wow...very nice pics!
Thanks! That shot wasn't intended. Hehe.
Thanks girl!
very nice photos, yiling! :D
nice nice...like the scenery
thanks for ur comment...the bmw z4 is not mine...company car ler...
Wah Z4 as company car??? You must be really really lucky! I love that car!
really nice. good job!
Thanks mate!
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