On my third day in Perth (sorry I know my posts are not in chronological order), Fang and her family organized a movie outing for me. This movie, however is not your ordinary cinema with popcorn movie. It's a romantic outdoor under the stars movie organized by Movies by Burswood.
The 'cinema' is at Burswood where it is also the center of Perth's entertainment area- known as Burswood Entertainment Complex. Within the same compound is the Burswood Casino, seven restaurants, eight bars, two hotels, a club and an auditorium. The whole area is also surrounded by parks and lush greens.
We arrived quite early to 'book' places but there were people much earlier than us. The movie was scheduled at 8pm but we were there about 7.30pm. As you can see, the sun does not set very early in Perth.
Upon admission to the 'cinema', there was an area where people who did not bring anything can rent a beanie sofa. It was $6 but if you return it after the movie ends, you get a refund of $2, which is quite worth it because it's so comfy!
It's quite a nice sight to see people bringing mats, rugs, picnic blankets, foldable chairs etc and making themselves comfortable for the movie. Most of them also brought food, which is quite nice as the authorities don't restrict you from bringing outside food and drinks and cameras as well.
Movie of the night was Bridewars starring Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson. The movie was alright but the most awesome part was when the sky got dark and the stars appeared... the weather was cooling (actually quite cold) and snuggling under the blanket/sweater. It was such a wonderful experience!
I know we do have an outdoor cinema some years back called Nokia Starlights Cinema at Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club. I have never been to the Starlights cinema, but the experience here in Perth is totally different as you can hardly spot any stars in KL due to too much lights and it's so hot here.
After the movie, we headed home and I suggested to Fang that we should lie at the lawn and watch stars! I never had the chance to do this back home. It was such a nice feeling, to be able to travel 2586 miles to meet your best friend, watch the stars together and have the longest chat ever. To end the night on a sweet note, we even saw 3 shooting stars which we've never seen before!
Ooo... Those couches look really comfy!
Wah... You and Yi Fang so lebih... Watch shooting stars together...
that's so relaxing to lie on your portable couch and enjoy the garden as well as the movie... i remember doing it here in the uk (except they are showing some opera) during autumn time and its freezing cold and i didn't bring a mat and have to sit on the grass and it started raining...
next time i'll do better...
oh, by the way, really really nice blog layout
hey you've changed your layout?
if only Msia got such event eh?
watching movies while feeding on nyamuk ... =P
Yeah they are super comfy. Heheh don't jealous of Yi Fang and I punya lomantik moments :pppp
Yes next time be prepared!! Hahahaha. Maybe you can do that in summer.
Yeah just changed my layout :D Malaysia got... awhile back when Nokia sponsored. But as u said, the nyamuks will have a great time!
whoa what a nice experience! i went for starlight cinema a couple of years back, gota bring your own mat, newspaper and mosquito repellent wtf.
love the new blogskin!! =D
if we lay down to watch the stars here in kl, we'd get mugged! or massacred by mosquitoes. sigh.
Yeah it was! Moquisto repellent, hahaha. Mosquitoes really do seem to be the key issue here eh.
Thanks! Same with your's now- white! Nvm ask David to protect you!! Hehe. Eh when wanna go makan???
Nice! I've been to a couple in Melbourne too. I love that photo of you chilling out, you look so happy and relaxed. :)
wah so romantic!
Hey, you brought the Levis handbag to Australis as well!
yilinngggg!!!!..hhehe..yes yes..i must agree with u on the stars here!!!its absolutely beautiful!!i actually watch it EVERY night n its never gets boring!!!!!..the sky is just so calming!...ok,getting carried away now,,shall stop..hehe.
Hehe, of course happy and relax! No work or datelines or assignments to think about :D
Yeah so lomantik...
Yeps I did :D
Who did you have your romantic moments with??? :p
the Calais boy had a romantic moment with himself ;)
Yiling!! Makan!! Jom!
hahaha!!!..yes yes,oliver is right on that one!!sad but true..i watch the stars all by myself..sobs..hahah!!!..ohhh,liddat la now,go makan nvr ajak!!tsk!
Okok, I'll have some meals plan out after I get back from Bangkok this weekend first k.....
Hahahaha, faster come back!!!
Awww...so sweet! :)
Awesome!!!! Should do 1 here at msia..;-p
Yeah... so sweet right :p
Cath J,
They do have few years back. But bad economy and hungry mosquitoes now... HAHAHA.
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