You know whenever people mention Bangkok, the first thing that usually comes into mind for guys and girls is different?
"Bangkok" in a girl's mind- SHOPPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!
"Bangkok" in a guy's mind- GO GO BARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (AH GUAS!!!!!!!!!!!! :p)
And they don't call it a Red Light District ("RLD") for nothing- look at the red neon lights decorating the street!! Anyway I'm not too sure if there is only one RLD in Bangkok but we were brought to Soi Cowboy nearby our hotel at the Sukhumvit area for a little fun.
Where there was a passing Thai Elephant. Of cos must take picture right, hmmm I actually can't be sure if I have seen an elephant live in front of me! Sighs, because always only see from internet mah.
Your place, My place or Our place?
Long gun waiting to meet his Lucky Star
Feels like you're in Las Vegas casino or something right
There are probably more than 100 girls dancing on bar tops ala Cayote Ugly at all times in all clubs at night but the problem is choosing which joint to go to. How do you decide? We naturally left it to the boys to make the decision. Good thing about the Go Go Bars here is that you can just hop in and hop out to have a look at what's inside before settling on which one you want to stay on for a drink.
Doesn't she looks like a he? I hope her name's not Suzie Wong :p
Perhaps these 'ladies' with cardboards can attract you into their bars :) I still find the words on the cardboards really funny... I mean why would people want to admit they have ugly and fat ones??
After we went to the first club, had a beer and nearly wanted to come out puking- not from the alcohol but the girls! They should change their cardboards to Definitely 50 Ugly Ones and No Gorgeous Ones! Got fat ones, got ugly ones, got girls with stretch marks, got aunties, got really nerd ones who looks like your teacher... aiyoyo. And all these girls are dancing right on top our table for the hamsap guys to peek under their skirts! They were not wearing any panties of course but actually not that easy to peek anything also lah! And there was no action at all!!!!
Potong stim.
For the first time ever, we girls found the football screening more interesting.
We hopped over the opposite bar and was a little relieved and delighted to see more action this time. About a handful of girls went up the centre bar top and started dancing and stripping until they were fully naked... Then another batch of girls appear when the song changes... and so on. If you ask me, seeing one girl stripping naked may be fun and stimulating, but after seeing like 20 girls do it song after song, the routine gets pretty bleh. At some points, you may start to wonder why are the songs so freaking long??!!! Faster can or not!!! The only consolation is some pole dancing but it's all very amateurish.
80% of the customers there are Ang Mohs and we even managed to see some who are so touchy, I don't know if they realize whether they're touching a guy in a girl's body :p
I get turned off after visiting Soi Cowboy!
Not to mention one Ang Moh thought I work there and started touching my arms :(
RED LIGHT DISTRICT isn't named coz of the red neon lights lah..:S
haha... Ziling... You were mistaken for a Thai girl???!!! Lucky you!
So wait, go go bars, got both female and shemales?
must be a very disturbing experience. :S
Haha, they sure cater to everyone's preference! I am with you about the last part. I visited a stripping club the last time I was in Prague. At first it was quite interesting. After a while, the moves are all the same and the songs felt too long! But at least in Prague, the girls are really quite hot la lol :P
Yeah man such turn offs!
Hmmm u got that Go Go Girl look :p
Well I think it's one of the reasons why it's named RLD, got so many red neon lights leh!!
I think some must be shemales, like the one in the picture- Suzie Wong.
Yeah more disturbing than pleasure.
Well lucky you at least got some hot girls... The ones we saw were hot not.
RLD means it's a district full of those kinda sinful stuffs. In Singapore, Geylang is known as RLD as well..but no Red Neon Lights also..:P
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