Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quinn Seremban Beef Noodles

Traffic Lights- Ice Lemon Tea; Sour Plum; Watermelon

2 weekends ago, I was invited to a colleague's wedding (luckily it's not exactly considered a 'bomb' since it's a Malay kenduri style) in Seremban. My foodie colleague & her boyfriend and I took a drive down to the siew pao famous town, but before that we already did our homework on where to have Seremban Beef Noodles!!!

Beef Noodles Soup

The shop is actually a branch from the famous beef noodles stall at Seremban Central Market. I read that the owner opened 2 branches- one a King, the next one naturally a 'Quinn'. Sometimes can't help to wonder what 'inspire' people to put a certain name to their biz or even name themselves with some really funny names, i.e. Fruit Chan??! Kinky??! Fish Leong??! My hairstylist name is one of the funnier ones I've come across- Wormie. Nice guy but seriously??!!

The shop was packed. On the facade and interior, nothing fancy. What's really amusing though is a few DSLRs spotted on a few tables (including mine teehee)- I told my friends that the owners probably thinks, "Meh... sammore few bloggers today take picha of my noodles. Bleh sien oredi." The wait for food was really long and we even had to wait like 20-30mins for our drinks to arrive! The beef noodles soup was just so-so in my opinion, nothing great to shout about.

Beef Noodles (Dry)

The dry version is a more popular choice. Similar to the one I had in Section 17, the famous Uncle Cheng beef noodles, it has nuts, tripes, tendon, preserved vege, and beef slices. There is also a gooey sauce that seems to give the noodles and its beefy accompaniments some texture. The dry version fares slightly better than the soup counterpart.

Yummy Beefballs

I found the beefballs to be the best. Springy and meaty they were pretty good- I would appreciate if they're bigger size and has those juices coming out as I bite into them as seen in Stephen Chow's really old movie 'God of Crockery'. In total, we paid about RM40+ for 3 bowls of dry and 1 bowl of soup, 1 bowl of beefballs and a few drinks.

As I'm writing this, I'm already craving for beef noodles. Anyone knows if Uncle Cheng is still in same old coffee shop at Section 17?

Quinn Seremban Beef Noodles
108, Jalan Toman 6,
Kemayan Square,
70200 Seremban.

[disclaimer: the opinions expressed here are based on my personal views, tastebuds and preference and may vary for others. please dont sue me, i dont have money. kthxbye.]
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