with the ongoing hoo-hah about nuffnang bday bash & chipster contest, my sister and i thought of doing something similar yet different.
my fav entries of the chipster contest--> jen's poetic chipster poem, ky's lord of the chipster & most crazy purchase of chipsters, and suanie's definitely sleeping better with chipster during work.
my fav entries of the chipster contest--> jen's poetic chipster poem, ky's lord of the chipster & most crazy purchase of chipsters, and suanie's definitely sleeping better with chipster during work.
whoever can guess the correct number of jigs packets in the picture wins a golden ticket to join us eating all those chips in an imaginery chips party!!
i wish jack & jill will give us a macbook after this... since we're probably the only two crazy sisters who did something for a contest that did not exist!
p/s: i didnt really count the exact packets of jigs. so, go figure!
pp/s: jigs IS really my fav potato crisps at the moment.
ppp/s: this is not an advertorial and we're not paid to do this, though we certainly hope they do when they see this.
p/s: i didnt really count the exact packets of jigs. so, go figure!
pp/s: jigs IS really my fav potato crisps at the moment.
ppp/s: this is not an advertorial and we're not paid to do this, though we certainly hope they do when they see this.
Goodness me... This has never been my dream... Potato Chips are unhealthy my dear... Once in a while can lar... But this is ridiculous :-p For every packet you eat, must exercise at least once a week! Bet you can't do that... Aih... Later you become fat fat only you know. I know who to blame for these Jigs....
yalah...we must send the pictures to ziling's company and must let her boss see. I want my share of macbook too..in our dreams!
Do ROLLER COASTER next time okay?! Buahahaha... Please give credits to me for sponsoring the JIGS.
You three sis are queens of junkfood... Have to eat healthy ok! You all exercise often or not?
oh yeah Ziling, don't spoil Yiling ok...? Please...
I'm saying 80!
hahahahhahhaa i swear i almost died laughing ok!!!! XD
calvin: though im a great fan of jigs but i wont gila untill eat all la. can die of ulcers and sore throat.
eiling: knowing her boss... she might for no reason scold us also.
ziling: u never bring back more roller coaster also?
ky: i dunno the exact number but i suppose its somewhere near that figure. nah give u one virtual *Jigs* as prize.
jen: haha too bad its not chipster else i can be runner up for the contest. im sure ky will win for the most chipsters ;-)
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