Prior to the Perth trip, I have never thought alcohol can be so easily and conveniently obtained, besides getting it at the supermarkets of course. Itulah, macam katak di bawah tempurung, never been outside of Malaysia before, so didn't know there was such a thing called Drive-Thru Bottle Shops.

These Bottle Shops are aplenty around Perth, just like how you can find a McDonald's or Hungry Jack's at every corner, and I'm assuming it's a normal thing in the whole Australia as well. Not all are named Bottle Shops though, I've seen stores by the name of Cellarbrations (which I think is quite a great creative name!), Thirsty something, and blablabla. But generally they're known as bottle shops. Beer and booze is the staple drink of the people here, much like our Ais Limau and Teh Tarik. We have one thing in common though, the Australians will probably suffer liver problem or beer belly while us Malaysians will have diabetes.
I'm still sticking to my resolution of drinking water! Of course, you can't say no to booze once in awhile ;-)

Not only booze is available everywhere, they also make buying booze a hassle-free and convenient process for lazy bums! Drink more, buy more, and have a more visible beer belly! Yay! Just drive through the pathway, order your booze from the shopkeeper manning the counter, pay and drive off! But of course, no drink and driving :)

If you're the type who wants to put some effort in selecting your booze, there's always the self service option. Park your car, get down, choose your booze from the selection available, and pay!

But I suppose stores like this can only survive in Australia or US or other less Islamic and high crime-rate countries. Can you just imagine if we have one of these in our country? The poor shopkeeper would either be robbed and murdered or the shop will be sabotaged by those holier-than-thou politicians and so-called religious officers.
p/s: Have you seen pictures of our Minister's son drinking like he was a non-Muslim in the internet? Well, preach all you want about Islam and the don'ts but here's the perfect epitome of holier-than-thou.

I wanted to grab a pack of 6 of the Smirnoff Black Ice to bring home but sadly we couldn't find one that was 24 hours and it was already about 2am in the morning and I was leaving in few hours time :(

I had my first and last Smirnoff Premium Ice Double Black at Burswood Casino (no I didn't gamble) and it was really awesome. Contrary to first impressions, no the bottle is not neat vodka but has already been mixed with some citrusy flavour. I think it has 6.5% alcohol content so it's almost like your Kampai drinks. I can't remember how much a bottle cost here but don't think it was that cheap though.

Can anyone tell me where we can get bottled pre-mixed Smirnoff here?
I'll leave you guys with another awesome picture of the sky. I like how the crane is in the foreground though :)
Australia so geng... In US, I have never came across drive through alcohol shops. It's extremely strict here also. As long as you don't look like 40 they will ask you to show your ID to purchase drinks.
I like that last photo of the crane. Nice clouds and blue sky.
Your big sis donno where to get the Smirnoff mixers? I'd expect her to know since she got so many resources.
Wait a minute... Didn't you work in that industry a while back... Your resources leh?? Hehehe
wah looks like my type of place!
ohhhh!!!the bottle shops are my fav!!!i'm like a regular there!!hahah..life is good!!n btw,i'm NOT an alcoholic!!i'm a drunk!alcoholics go for meetings!!!hahah..tasmania is a drunks paradise!!bottle shops,cold weather,bbq's,free time...it doesnt get any better!!!hahahha...
p/s:i dont drink beer..so that shud avoid the beer belly!!6pax yiling,6pax!!!remember annot!??haha.
OoOh I thought US has everything cos they're very liberal, but looks like Australia beat the US on that!
Yeah we'd probably know where to find you every night.
You DRUNKARD! Eh next time you come back, ta pau 1 ctn Smirnoff for me can ah?? don't bother about other souvenirs :p
hahahahah!!!i tapau balik all my empty bottles 4 u can la!!haha..but sure no prob..will try my best k??!!haha..
You gimme empty bottles for what! but if it's 750ml absolut ok la gimmela. hehehe.
I just realized Smirnoff Ice can be found easily here with a wide variety of flavors.
Lets clear the smoke screen, US is not as liberal since the country was based on and still have a strong religious believes. You can't buy alcohol after 2am, hard alcohol is only available in dedicated liquor store in conservative states, some county are "dry county" i.e. no alcohol sale. Some states enforce a non alcohol sale on Sunday.
btw, you may want to bug HB for the Vodka.
Oooh I never knew US's regulations on liquor is more conservative than Australia's. Thanks for pointing out. HB is an alcohol aficionado himself so don't think he has anything to donate to me :(
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